Alumni Focus - Tyler Wood ('13)
Tyler Wood (‘13) is an avid golfer and sandwich shop owner who loves his alma mater and keeps giving back. Wood says, “I love St. Croix because I feel like it really helped shape who I am today. Whether it was the teachers, coaches, or the interaction with my peers, I feel like every aspect of St. Croix taught me in many different ways.”
Wood played on the SCLA golf team and is now back to coach this spring. “I am extremely excited and feel very blessed to be able to come back to St. Croix as a golf coach. Golf is more than just a game. It teaches character and perseverance because it is so difficult. The biggest influence I had (at SCLA) was a certain coach. My hope is to be able to do that as a coach myself.”
Earlier this summer Wood qualified for the Minnesota State Am which he played in this past July at Edina Country Club. In college, he played in the NCAA Division III National Championship his junior and senior year at Wisconsin Lutheran College.
Next week, Tyler Wood and Jacob Mortell (‘12) are playing on September 30 in hopes of qualifying for the US Amateur Four Ball. If they do qualify, they will be heading to Oregon next spring.
Off the green you’ll find Tyler along with his dad, Jeremy (‘93), at the Blue Ox Sandwich Factory in Burnsville, which they bought in March of 2018 and run together. Tyler says, “It has been an awesome experience. I have learned so much in the past two years, and I am looking forward to the future. It is a blessing being able to work so closely with my father as well as my mother, Kelly (‘95), and sisters, Alexis (‘22) and Addison (‘25) who often help at the restaurant too.”
Tyler and Jeremy both golfed at the SCLA Golf Classic this July and provided a wonderful boxed sandwich lunch for the golfers and volunteers.