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Alumni Focus - Stanley Chan ('07)

Stanley Chan SCLA Alumnus 2007
Stanley Chan ('07)

On October 23, 2020, alumnus Kai Tai (Stanley) Chan shared his SCLA story with students via a recorded conversation with SCLA Pastor David Huebner. 

Stanley's journey to Christian faith started before his time at SCLA. He grew up in a non-religious family in Hong Kong but wrestled with the implications of his agnostic faith, especially before coming to SCLA. He shared, “Before I came to St. Croix, there was about a five month period where I really wanted to know ‘God, are you there?’  Every night for about five months, I would pray: ‘God, I don’t know who you are, what you are, or if you are even there, but if you are out there, I just want to know the truth. Would you please give me that?’”

When Stanley arrived at SCLA, his curiosity about Christianity grew during his interactions with teachers. He shares, “The school staff at St. Croix, because of how well they were treating me, really made me want to learn more.”

His personal relationships with other Christians helped him to know Christ, and what it meant to be Christian. “They not only taught me more about what being a Christian was like, they showed me by living it.”

“They not only taught me more about what being a Christian was like, they showed me by living it.”

At the end of Stanley’s first year at St. Croix, he was baptized into faith in a private ceremony in the SCLA chapel. 

Stanley offered advice for students, both Christian and non-Christian, “For students who may not be a Christian yet - I strongly encourage you to explore what God has to say. I believe that you are not here by accident. St. Croix is a place where God’s word is taught. Learn about what God has to say, and soak it in.”

“For students who are listening who are Christians--my advice would be 'cling to it.' Your life may be stressful, challenging, and difficult. Go on in life knowing that Jesus has already taken care of the most important thing in life - eternity.”

Stanley now works as a psychologist for Milwaukee Public Schools in Wisconsin. “I get to work closely with students, families and teachers so that they can be as successful as they can in school."