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Alumni Focus - Wade Shult ('16) and Maddy Mielke ('19)


Wade Shult and Leah Sonnenburg


Madylin Mielke

Wade Shult ('16) and Maddy Mielke ('19)

College life can be a bit tricky to manage, but then combine it with a pandemic and things get even harder. We caught up with two recent SCLA alumni who are currently studying at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, MN and are learning how to hold on to patience, hope, and faith. Wade Shult (‘16) is a senior looking forward to his first teaching assignment and getting married in just a few weeks. Madylin Mielke (‘19) is a sophomore who is looking forward to summer with family and friends and returning to SCLA to coach summer basketball camp.

How has your college experience been different this year?  

Wade: College life at MLC has been a bit different this year. I've experienced the quarantine wing of the dorms (twice), learned how to student teach from a computer, and thought about how many things I took for granted in a typical school year. The restrictions have been frustrating at times, but they served the purpose of keeping students on campus for face-to-face learning. That goal has been accomplished this entire spring semester, and we are on track to have in-person graduation and call day in a few weeks.

Maddy: Because of the COVID restrictions that have been put in place for our safety at Martin Luther College, we have had to be careful about big group activities and events. It is a great blessing that we have been able to be learning (mostly) in person the whole year! All of the professors and staff have worked very hard to keep classes running smoothly and efficiently throughout all the craziness! 

I have had the opportunity to serve my campus on the Events Team this year! We have planned and hosted many on-campus events to keep students engaged and excited to be here at school, even with all the new rules!  I also am a tutor in my free time and like to participate in any and every activity that is offered to the student body.

What advice do you have for others in school (or working from home) right now?

Wade: Keep persevering. I would encourage students to make the most of a tough situation even when it is easy to get complacent. Take it easy on your professors and teachers. They are doing their best to teach you everything that they would in a normal school year, and they are putting in extra time and effort to make sure that the virtual learning process is as smooth as it can be. Most of all, after this pandemic is over, I hope everyone can appreciate the blessings that we have (social gatherings, sporting events, in-person worship, etc.) and not take them for granted.

Maddy: “Dive into the Word when you feel stressed.” As a college student, I often find myself overwhelmed with work, homework, and managing time to be with friends. There is so much uncertainty in this world that we live in, but we can always find comfort and ease in the Bible where we are reminded of a promise far greater than any grade in a class, or any amount of money earned through a stressful job. Always work hard and remember who gives us those talents in the first place… our amazing God! 

When do you graduate from MLC?  What are your plans after?

Wade: I graduate from MLC on May 15. This last semester has been flying by, and it is crazy to think how fast the last four years have gone. I will graduate with a degree in secondary mathematics education. I plan on taking a call May 15 and then moving to a new school and city by the beginning of July. Before moving, I will be getting married to Leah Sonnenburg (‘17) on May 22. We have been dating since I was a senior and she was a junior at St. Croix. We will be attending four weddings in June before heading to my new call. It should be a crazy and exciting summer!

Maddy: I am currently finishing up my sophomore year, so I will be graduating in May of 2023. I am excited to be getting into more applicable teaching courses and in-classroom experiences coming up in these next two years! I plan on graduating with a major in Elementary Education and a minor in Communication Arts and Literature. Ideally, I would love to teach anywhere from 1st-5th grade while specializing in Art or English. God has an amazing plan in store for wherever he decides to lead me, so I am excited to find out where I will be used best to teach his Word! 

What is a favorite St. Croix memory?

Wade: There are too many great memories at St. Croix for me to choose just one. Winning a state championship in football in 2013 is definitely up there. My senior class trip was a great end to four years that I got to spend with my friends and the whole senior class at Craguns. Baseball with President Russ coaching was always exciting, especially on that rainy day when we did a slip-n-slide on the home plate tarp (Harrison Hochmuth may have had a slightly more painful experience that day). Overall, there were so many great memories with friends that I am still very close to presently. 

Maddy: One of my favorite memories was simply getting involved. I participated in music, sports, student council, and art classes. Each one of those experiences has led me to become a better leader and allowed me to discover my weaknesses and strengths as I study to be in the public ministry. 

Most impactful St. Croix instructor?

Wade: Tony Drkula was my most impactful teacher. He made senior gov't/economics applicable and real. He plays a large role in my philosophy as a math teacher, making math relatable to high schoolers rather than just formulas in a textbook. Mr. Drkula and I still have a great relationship to this day, and I know that many other students were blessed by having him as a teacher and coach as well.

Maddy: Mr. and Mrs. Marquardt, Mr. Boehm, my dad/coach (Mr. Mielke), and Mrs. Hulse were very impactful in my journey throughout St. Croix. Through them, I developed a love for leadership, creativity, and teaching as I am using each of those traits at MLC. 

Anything fun you are doing this summer?

Wade: I am marrying my high school sweetheart, Leah! She has been an awesome support to me during this tough school year and throughout college. We will enjoy seeing all of our friends one last time at our graduations and then at weddings throughout the summer. I have St. Croix to thank for making our paths cross so that we can now spend the rest of our lives together. 

Maddy: I am excited to be home for the summer to spend time with family and friends while getting the chance to work as a nanny, waitress, and even help coach St. Croix’s summer basketball camp. I plan to continue running my small art business on the side and am very excited to start Junior year at MLC… already! Our family will also be celebrating the graduation of my youngest brother Connor, who is the last sibling to be at St. Croix for our family!