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Alumni Focus - Martin Guldberg ('91)

Martin Guldberg ('91)

Martin Guldberg (‘91) and his wife Melissa have four children that attend or recently graduated from SCLA. This family shares the love of Jesus wherever they go! Read more about Martin’s time in high school and his thankfulness for Christian education.

What does SCLA mean to you?

St. Croix means a place where Jesus’ love and mercy are taught and demonstrated daily. It may sound trite, but the world needs more Jesus. That loving truth is the reason all of our kids have attended SCLA. It's an oasis in this sinful world. 

What’s your favorite SCLA memory?

Playing baseball at St. Croix created so many fun memories for me: road trips to Randolph or Mayer, home games at IHCC, batting practice in the gym in the early spring, beating Concordia to win a playoff game for the 1st time during my time there, learning that I couldn't hit a curveball and knowing I needed to go professional in something other than sports. :-)  Mr. Steuber and Mr. Panning were great men to play for, and I'm grateful for the athletic opportunity SCLA offered me.

Did any specific SCLA teachers make a positive impact on you?

Mr. Harley and Mr. Lequia were instrumental in creating a path for myself, others, and those after me to take calculus in high school. At that time St. Croix didn't offer calculus, but they created a new class/curriculum which helped prepare me for engineering school at the University of Minnesota and subsequently my current engineering career. I'll always be grateful for their encouragement and extra effort to help teach me the new course material.

What is your current work?

I'm currently a software engineering lead at a local company. I enjoy working with people and encouraging anyone I can to pursue careers in STEM if they enjoy math or science at all. I hope to share the same Christian love and support my parents gave me on my journey to my current career. 

What do you like to do for fun?

The hobby I most enjoy is fishing. It's especially enjoyable when I can do it with my family, whether just catching sunnies, bass, or the occasional pike. Rare trips to FL or TX for saltwater fishing are a real treat for me also.