Alumni Focus - Laura Gehlhar ('08)
From living in the SCLA dormitory to traveling abroad, Laura Gehlhar (‘08) has had the opportunity to interact with and learn from people from many cultures. Today she continues to grow in those experiences while teaching English learners at a public school and traveling both for mission work and enjoyment.
What is your favorite St. Croix memory?
My favorite memories at St. Croix were related to dorm life: bonding with roommates, sharing meals, attending dorm meetings, learning about other cultures from international students, and having late night study sessions. Living in the dorm was a significant part of my high school experience that in retrospect was really quite unique.
Did any specific SCLA teachers make a positive impact on you?
As a high school teacher now myself, I actually often reflect on what and how I learned from teachers at St. Croix and try to emulate some of their best approaches with my own students. Ms. Fry taught Spanish in an interactive way that promoted authentic communication. Calculus and physics are intimidating, but Mrs. Stob made them accessible. Mr. Harley explored complex mathematical concepts to challenge even the brightest in the class, but kept us all accountable to the basics. Pastors Lange, Robinson, Huebner, and others provided wisdom in applying Biblical truth to live a life of faith. Mr. Strehlow entertained us with dazzling demonstrations in chemistry and juggling in tennis practice. Mrs. Kuznicki challenged me to be a better writer and speaker—skills I needed to be successful in college, graduate school, and as a professional. (I can’t mention everyone, but if you were my teacher, I remember you!)
What does St. Croix mean to you?
I’m so grateful for the education and Christian network that I had at St. Croix! I still feel a sense of community with alumni, staff, and families connected to St. Croix, past and present, even if I don’t know them very well.
What led you to be an EL teacher?
I graduated from Bethany Lutheran College with a degree in psychology. I didn’t actually think I wanted to be a teacher until I started working as a paraprofessional with multilingual learners at a public high school in Mankato, MN. I saw the unique challenges that these students faced and recognized that I had talents to support students through their academic journey. It was then that I decided to get my ESL teaching license through a graduate program at Minnesota State University, Mankato. A highlight of the program was the opportunity to student-teach for a few weeks at a school in Abu Dhabi, UAE. I started my first teaching job at Faribault High School in 2015 and last fall moved to John F. Kennedy High School in Bloomington, MN.
Can you tell us about your current job?
As an English Learner (EL) teacher, I work with multilingual learners from beginner to advanced levels of English. I especially love to teach English language development courses for students who have recently arrived in the United States. (Currently, I have students from over 11 different countries!) I have co-taught classes with math, science, and language arts teachers as well as collaborated with a variety of other teachers to design instruction that meets the needs of diverse learners. With my team, I design and implement EL programming for our school based on changing demographics and educational policies.
My experience at St. Croix having classmates from around the globe inspired my interest in working in multicultural settings. Today, teaching in public schools gives me the opportunity to meet and influence young people of a variety of religious, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds. I’ve learned so much about the world from the incredible individuals that end up in my classroom.
What was your recent trip to Thailand all about?
I recently participated in a mission trip to Thailand. My church (NorthCross Lutheran in Lakeville) has a relationship with a Lutheran church in northeastern Thailand. Our group visited the missionary’s family, hosted a vacation Bible school for local children, and encouraged the members of the church there. It was such an enriching experience to use my personal and professional skills to support Christian brothers and sisters in Thailand! Watch a video about the trip here.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself?
I enjoy spending time with my niece and nephew and traveling whenever I get the chance!