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Alumni Focus - Bret Taylor ('82)

Bret Taylor (‘82)

Dr. Bret Taylor (‘82) reflects on 40 years since walking the halls of St. Croix Lutheran High School, working in Lutheran Education in California, and God’s grace and faithfulness through it all.

What were you involved with at SCLA?

I spent a lot of time with athletics (football for two years, basketball for four, baseball for three, and golf my senior year). I also was maybe the worst singing Croixalier ever…only Ms. Rupprecht as director could confirm that.

What is your favorite memory at SCLA?

Mostly just the time with my classmates and teammates. It was awesome to have the opportunity to spend time with others across so many grade levels since we were so small then.  I actually have some of my greatest memories from my senior year and spending time in study hall or typing class with the freshman who had just come to SCLHS. The competitions and practices with my teammates will always live with me as well as you can't sweat and bleed with others without it making a life-long impact.

Did any specific teachers have an impact on you?

Mr. Steuber and Mr. Lequia had a direct impact through their teaching and coaching. Mr. Oldfield actually taught me a lot by the way he handled my dumb mistakes and carried out his role as disciplinarian. Rev. Sievert and his family accepted me into their home and welcomed me as a part of their family many times, and I've always been grateful for that modeling of grace and acceptance and often wish I had responded in a more mature fashion to them all. 

What led you to where you are today?

After high school I thought I would become a pilot like my Dad, but God led me to consider a calling in Lutheran education instead. The influence of many people at St. Croix and in college shaped that calling and openness to where God might lead. After teaching at a Lutheran grade school and two Lutheran high schools, I was led to accept a call to teach at Concordia University in Irvine, CA where we have been since 1997. I knew that trying to earn a doctorate would be required but really didn't know what that would mean. But by God's grace, I did so in 2004 through Curtin University in Perth, Australia. My wife, Myra, has been a source of strength and support through all of this as we shared our teaching careers first, and then the raising of our four kids at home as a primary calling in our lives and in response to God's love in Christ, and in some very difficult times through sickness and death as well.

Do you stay in touch with old friends from SCLA? 

It has been hard as I left Minnesota so long ago and my folks moved away as well. I am recently reconnecting with folks as we've crossed the 40 year mark (yikes) but what has been special are those St. Croix friends that reached out to us during some very difficult times we endured and shared their love and grace with us in the worst days we could imagine. I will always be thankful for them and their message of love and care.

Any fun hobbies or interests you’d like to share?

I’m still playing golf when I can and enjoy athletics at all levels, but after coaching for my early career, I’m now supporting from the stands and as a fan. We love driving through the U.S. as we head back to family and get to see the National Parks and sights along the way.

Anything else you’d like to share?

Don't get worried about what tomorrow brings. Enjoy each day in the present. No one goes through life without pain and heartache, but know that God is always faithful and always keeps His promises. 

I look forward to reconnecting with all of my St. Croix classmates someday here on earth or someday in heaven! I love the fact that the key to a St. Croix education was educating "mind, soul and body" - what an awesome way to see Christian education in its fullest.