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Alumni Focus - Brent Schacht ('81)

Brent Schacht with grandson
Brent Schacht ('81)

Brent Schacht has been a regular face around SCLA since starting teaching here in 1992. He’s always got a story and shares his love of sports (“Can I get a Crusader?!”) and the teaching ministry.

What is your favorite part of teaching at St. Croix?

My favorite part is the relationships that happen between myself and the students I teach and athletes I coach. Sometimes when I see them years later we reminisce and talk about a science class, track meet, or soccer game. I love to watch the students and athletes grow and develop. It is so cool when they finally understand a "challenging" concept in science or through hard work and perseverance make it to state in track and field or win the overtime soccer game. It is cool to attend weddings of students and athletes that I have taught or coached.

Tell us about high school and meeting your wife, Karen.

When Karen and I were students (both class of 1981), we had our lockers next to each other and yet didn't start dating until senior year. We were in the fall children's theater production (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs of the Black Forest). Karen was Tillie the Turtle and I was King Absent-Minded. Believe it or not that brought us together and dating. The first time she met my parents she had her turtle make-up on! I guess it was meant to be-- a few months later we were Snowfest king and queen. 

Do you have any fun stories with other teachers or students?

Even way back in high school, the relationships Karen and I built with the teachers was fantastic. Little did I know that I would come back and teach with teachers that had taught me! Since I have been a teacher at St. Croix, fishing with former teachers like Mr. Stueber and Mr. Oldfied bring some good memories. We would have a" friendly" contest and see who caught the biggest fish. The competitive spirit would get going and it really did become competitive about who really was the "best" fisherman. But when it was all said and done, we would often talk about St. Croix when we fished and the wonderful ministry it is and how God has truly blessed it. 

For students, I think of Will Olson last year decorating me as a Christmas tree in the commons and winning the competition over Mrs. Stob! Also our 4 x 400m relay team getting to the state track meet and Will Olson buying white crocs for the team members including me. I wear them very proudly, and when people ask, I share the story.

What has been the most exciting change or improvement you've seen at SCLA since you've been here?  

The international program and building of the new dorms has been a tremendous blessing to our ministry. I also think of the Ministry in Motion campaign which helped our outdoor facilities tremendously (new bleachers and press box, tennis courts, and track). Our all-weather track has allowed us to host many track meets including Section True Team and Conference Championship. Finally, the new music facilities and entry enhance the curb appeal of our school. Once again - God has blessed this school even more than I expected! When my wife and I were students at St. Croix in late 1970's and early 1980's there were no AP courses and computers were just starting to be used. So it’s been great to see how technology is incorporated into teaching and learning.

From the time that you and your wife were students here, what has been the most influential thing about SCLA to you? What has encouraged you to stay here after all of these years? 

We feel very blessed to have the education we received from St. Croix. We sent our children to St. Croix and have seen many of our nephews and nieces go to St. Croix.  We and they appreciate the dedication of the teachers and the caring, Christian, family community we experience. 

Personally, I have been here since 1992. I love the diverse student body, the challenges and rewards that come with teaching and coaching, and the wonderful relationships built with the teachers and students. 

This ministry continues to grow. We have been blessed with administrators who not only look at the present but the future and that keeps this ministry moving forward. 

I have been privileged to teach and coach some students and athletes who faithfully use their abilities to become doctors, engineers, teachers, pastors, etc. In addition, some have gone to college and have had success in sports. They look back at St. Croix as helping them achieve their goals. 

I know that likely I would not have become a teacher and the person I am today if not for the ministry of St. Croix. As God gives me strength, I will continue teaching and coaching. This ministry is about the students who motivate me to give my very best whether teaching or coaching. 

I know that the school is in great hands and that ultimately it is our Lord and Savior who blesses this ministry. My wife and I want to thank our former teachers, principals, and staff who helped shape and guide us to our teaching ministries!