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Alumni Focus -Billy King ('07)

King, Billy SCLA 2007
Girl reading a book with a dog.
Billy King ('07)

Billy King (‘07) is a pastor at Good Shepherd in Cedar Rapids and North Liberty, Iowa. In 2021, the campus in North Liberty was blessed with a second pastor, and they had their grand opening at the North Liberty Campus in 2022. Billy reflects on fun times at SCLA, being encouraged to go into ministry, and how animals have played a welcoming role at his church.

Do you have any favorite memories of St. Croix?

My favorite memory is when the people I normally ate lunch with decided to have Thanksgiving potluck. We all brought different sides for the meal and even had a turkey! It was a feast! Definitely the best lunch I had at St. Croix. Another fond memory is being a part of Teens for Life. It was essentially all girls besides me and Shem Biebert, but it was rewarding to be a part of something that cared so much about being pro-life.

Did any SCLA teachers have an influence on you?

Pastors Doug Lange and Aaron Robinson both had a big influence on me entering the ministry. They were both passionate, relatable, and encouraging. They modeled the kind of pastor I wanted to be. Another influence on my life was Paul Kassulke. He was my wrestling coach and always had a way of teaching us about how the habits we were forming would shape us into the people we would become. He would motivate you when you most wanted to quit. And, he was always tough but loving. 

What led you to want to be a pastor?

I didn’t grow up thinking I would be a pastor. I never really thought about it until my sophomore year. At a parent/teacher conference that year, three of my teachers said I should think about going into the ministry. Without that encouragement, I don’t know if I would have ever considered it.

 What is your favorite or most fulfilling part of your ministry?

My favorite part of ministry is taking prospects through a Bible Information Class. I love when we get to the point in the course when the light goes on. This usually happens when they understand that everything we teach is truly from the Bible. But the best part is when they realize Jesus has already done everything for them for salvation.

How are animals used for ministry in your church and community?

One of the neat things the church is a part of is Living Creatures Ministry (LCM) which offers therapy animal training, certification, and insurance to WELS congregations that are looking to utilize therapy animals to serve their congregations and their surrounding communities. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, and more can be trained to help WELS congregations share Christian love and compassion with others. Billy’s wife, Laura, is the founder of LCM, and does all the training for WELS churches who want to be a part of this program for free. Pictured is the Kings’ therapy dog, Korra, being read to at the North Liberty Library. 

What would you say to any current SCLA students considering ministry?

My encouragement is for them to go to Martin Luther College and see how they like it. I was hesitant when I was considering going into the public ministry, but I knew I would never know if that’s really what I wanted to do unless I gave it a shot. When I arrived at MLC, I made some really great friends and loved learning each and every day about what it meant to be in the public ministry. If a student has been encouraged by a pastor or teacher to go into ministry, I’d strongly endorse that encouragement. It’s such a blessing to make your living by carrying out the Great Commission.