


Saturday, March 29, 2025

We're revving up the DeLorean and setting the time circuits for an unforgettable evening on the SCLA campus. This year's gala, "Back for the Future," is the ultimate blast from the past—with an eye on an even brighter future for SCLA students and programs!

Registration for the Back for the Future Gala will open on December 15, but we are accepting silent auction donations starting now!

Click on the form below if you wish to donate an item from our Wish List:

Donate to the Silent Auction

Your support today makes all the difference for tomorrow. Look ahead with us to 2035—what could SCLA be like in 10 years, thanks to your generosity? It’s a future you’ll help create.

Want to help create the magic or have questions? Contact us at

Thank you for your support. God bless your generous hearts!

Mission Advancement Contacts

Brian Shult

Executive Director

Carmen Tomfohrde

Mission Advancement

Dennis Palmberg

Director of Planned and Major Gifts

Mark Tjelta

Data Analyst