Building for Tomorrow
STRONG to serve.
In the fall of 2011, the SCLA General Board unanimously approved a capital campaign to enable the school’s ministry to pursue its master site plan. The intent is to ensure that the school remains viable and strong for generations to come.
Download the "Building for Tomorrow" Brochure
On Tuesday, October 22, 2024, the SCLA General Board unanimously approved the Strong to Serve Phase 3a project. This project is a stepping stone for the completion of SCLA’s 12-year-old Strong to Serve capital campaign (ending with the completion of a practice gymnasium) and involves repurposing an unused building, formerly a dormitory, as classroom, athletic practice, and storage space. Through February 2025, we have secured $700,000 in cash and commitments toward the $2.15M project.
Our goal is to complete the Phase 3a project before the start of the 2025-26 school year. It will provide purpose-built classroom and workshop space for our expanding Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses, designed to equip students with skills for careers in fields like healthcare, technology, skilled trades, and engineering.
The renovation will also provide wrestling and other practice space, a dedicated concessions area, restrooms with outside access, and general storage space.
With this step, SCLA is advancing its mission to build stronger futures for our students and community.
Project Timeline
In order to complete Phase 3, we will need to make room for the new practice gymnasium by removing the former girls’ dormitory and relocating existing classroom and storage space. We are blessed with an existing north-end building that can be repurposed for such use. This existing building will be renovated to include space for Career and Technical Education classrooms and work areas, an athletic space for wrestling, a permanent concessions stand, restrooms, and storage space.
SCLA’s current indoor athletic space is inadequate for demand. The number of activities requiring practice and/or game space, and the students participating in these activities, has outgrown the current facilities. A second gym will provide the space needed for teams and clubs and ensure that all students have opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities.
The Tektōn Building
The Ancient Greek noun tektōn is a common term for an artisan or craftsman, in particular a carpenter, woodworker, or builder. The term tektōn is used in the Gospels to describe Jesus and his father Joseph, signifying their trade, and it is related to the modern word “technology”. We have chosen to call this repurposed building the Tektōn Building to honor our Lord and Savior, the builder of all things. The building will house an expanded Career and Technical Education (CTE) classroom and work areas, along with athletic practice rooms and storage space.
“God continues to bless SCLA by providing an opportunity for all students to explore and pursue their interests. It’s exciting to imagine the potential impact this program will have for SCLA students interested in entering the trades.”
Paul Weihing
Retired SCLA instructor who envisioned the Career and Technology Education program and taught the first classes starting in 2011
“...without the applied technology class, I wouldn’t have been inclined to look more into the trades...this class is a huge confidence and character-building opportunity”
Cael Degener
SCLA Class of 2021
Now an HVAC Technician