Band students must provide their own instruments and supplies. Groth Music in Bloomington is the recommended music store for instrument rental/purchase. There are other excellent music stores in the metropolitan area, including Schmitt Music and Ekroth Music, and parents may choose to use them. We have found Groth to be dependable, reliable, and fair. Some of the more expensive instruments, e.g., tuba, baritone saxophone, etc., may be provided by the school as the student advances.
Many of the “cheaper instruments” found online are not of good quality and make it very difficult or impossible for the student to learn properly. There are good brands to look for when purchasing online, but it strongly recommended to purchase or rent from a local music store.
Yamaha band instruments are a preferred brand of instrument to rent or purchase and maintains the most consistency among student-level instruments. If you have a used instrument you would like the student to use, please check with Mr. Fenske to see if the instrument is of good quality. You may also check with one of the listed music stores to see if any maintenance or cleaning should be done to instrument.
Music accessories and cleaning supplies are important to any instrument. It is important to have all the necessary accessories and cleaning supplies at the first lesson. For proper playing position it is highly recommended to have a music stand at home for practice.